Anal fissure is a tiny cut in the lining of anal canal near its opening. Its a very painful condition. There is burning or pricking pain in anus during and after passing stool. Pain may persists for hours or day long after defecation. Bleeding is not a prominent feature. Sometimes a streak of blood is seen on the side of the stool.
A fissure may be superficial or deep. Often occurs due to an incidence of passage of hard stool or diarrhoea. Recent onset fissures are called acute fissure and those which are more than 6 weeks old are called chronic anal fissure.
Treatment of anal fissure should be started at the early stage. An acute fissure is often treated non-surgically and completely cured within a time of two weeks. Chronic anal fissure is often associated with many complications and non-reversing conditions like sentinel tag. Surgical treatment of essential for chonic anal fissure.
How to prevent anal fissure?
Avoid long sitting.
Avoid constipation and diarrhoea.
Eat high-fiber diet.
Adequate water intake
What are the general measures to control anal fissure?
Take plenty of vegetables and fruits.
Avoid maida, cheese, white bread etc.
Proper hydration.
Regularly clean the part with soap water and gently dry the part completely.
Respond quickly to the urge of defecation.
Warm Sitz bath for 10-15 minutes several times
Consult a proctologist for more information and early treatment.